Step into the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest scientists can lead to innovation or utter chaos. Making sense of the mysteries is Sheriff Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson), a former U.S. marshal who is stranded in the surreal small town after a random car accident.
Jordon Hinson, Erica Cerra, Neil Grayston, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Joe Morton, Chris Gauthier, Ed Quinn.
Seen the first season of A Town Called Eureka, but didn't see the rest. I really enjoyed watching this but don't no why I stop. Will have to catch up!!! But all in all a great series.
Step into the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where the hidden work of America's brightest scientists can lead to innovation or utter chaos. Making sense of the mysteries is Sheriff Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson), a former U.S. marshal who is stranded in the surreal small town after a random car accident.
Jordon Hinson, Erica Cerra, Neil Grayston, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Joe Morton, Chris Gauthier, Ed Quinn.
Seen the first season of A Town Called Eureka, but didn't see the rest. I really enjoyed watching this but don't no why I stop. Will have to catch up!!! But all in all a great series.