Mork (Robin Williams) is a bumbling alien from the planet Ork sent to Earth, in his egg, to study it's inhabitants. He will report to his unseen superior, Orson, until reassigned. On Earth, he meets Mindy McConnell (Pam Dawber), an average woman who takes him in and shelters him. On befriending Mork, she signs herself up for some wacky adventures as Mork learns about human life, acting (and looking) very eccentric along the way. In addition to spouting "nanoo, nanoo", Mork had an uncanny ability to impersonate celebrity voices. Eventually, the relationship between Mork and Mindy jumped from a strong friendship to romance, and they married, eventually bearing a son, Mearth from Earth, who aged backwards like his father.
Conrad Janis, Ralph James, Elizabeth Kerr, Robert Donner.
Watching this when you came home from school. I thought Robin Williams was fantastic I was a big fan, and still am today. Once of the best tv shows from my youth.
Nanoo, nanoo!
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