The Sundance Kid is the fastest gun in the West, his sidekick Butch is a dreamer, always planning that bigger, better bank raid. But things are getting tougher and soon the accident-prone anti-heroes decide it's time to head south and disappear into legend.
Winner of 4 Oscars including Best Screenplay for William Goldman and Best Song ('Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head') and Best Score for Burt Bacharach.
Paul Newman and Robert Redford have never been better. A great story, laughs and tears and one of the best endings in the movies. Go get it now!!
Winner of 4 Oscars including Best Screenplay for William Goldman and Best Song ('Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head') and Best Score for Burt Bacharach.
Paul Newman and Robert Redford have never been better. A great story, laughs and tears and one of the best endings in the movies. Go get it now!!
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