The second of three made-for-TV movies detailing the life of the so-called Long Island "Lethal Lolita" Amy Fisher (played this time by Drew Barrymore) a rebellious, unsure-of-herself 16-year-old girl who became sexually involved with Joey Buttafuoco (Anthony John Denison), a married, 30-something, auto mechanic, in which the unbalanced Fisher planned and shot Buttafuoco's wife in August 1992 in which he may or may not have coerced Fisher into doing the deed, and then denying any involvement with her.
This movie was pretty boring. This one was way too serious and it did not seem to tell the true story of Amy Fisher. If you want to see a good one, see the one with Noelle Parker as Amy.
This movie was pretty boring. This one was way too serious and it did not seem to tell the true story of Amy Fisher. If you want to see a good one, see the one with Noelle Parker as Amy.