In the notorious city of Gomorrah, evil warlord Memnon is determined to lay to waste all the nomadic peoples of the desert. Because the few remaining tribes are virtually powerless against him, they decide to hire a skilled assassin, Mathayus, to eliminate Memnon's most prized asset: the sorceress Cassandra, who lies at the root of Memnon's power. Mathayus's plan, however, is to kidnap Cassandra rather than kill her. He knows if he takes her deep into the desert badlands as his hostage, Memnon and his henchman will stop at nothing to rescue her...
Fans of the Mummy movies will enjoy this. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a simple story, acted out by a great cast. The Rock isn't a bad actor at all, and leads the movie well. There are many great action sequences too along with good special effects. Worth a watch!
Fans of the Mummy movies will enjoy this. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a simple story, acted out by a great cast. The Rock isn't a bad actor at all, and leads the movie well. There are many great action sequences too along with good special effects. Worth a watch!
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